Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Poop stew..

So last night, killian decided that the toilet (16 inches away) was much to far from our bathtub. The effort it would require to lift her chubby little legs out of the warm water was far to great thus, her only option was to empty her bowels into the tub. While this may have seemed like the logical choice at the time, it proved to be not only illogical, but rather revolting. My three year old, shiloh, came racing into the living room screaming,"Poop mommy! Killy pooped in the bath! EEEEEWWWWWWW."  So, I put down my laptop and ventured into the bathroom to find Killian sobbing and trying desperately to run away from her own floating excrement (turds). "Get it out Mommy!", she hollered. Attempting to contain my laughter and disgust, I scooped the poop out of the bath and flushed it. "Thanks momma!", they shouted, as the merrily sank back down into the poop stew. I shook my head, fought the urge to vomit, and proceeded to finish my homework. "I'll just rinse them really well", I thought to my self. Really, really well.

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