Saturday, January 1, 2011


After hearing your name screamed at the top of a three year olds lungs, at a decible so ear piercing that it silently shatters your eardrums and sends canines two counties away running for cover, its easy to tune your children out. This is exactly what I did earlier today. Sure I tried to ask her what was wrong from where I was sitting on the couch, but she never answered so I just clicked away on my computer till I heard banging. I raced to the room to see what had happened to find my two yr. old, killian, had locked her sister in the closet and was sitting in front of its door seated on a large wooden chair. The smirk on her face disolved into a look of fear when she saw me and as I went to grab her off of the chair, she yelled,"I dinint do noffin' Mom!" SMH...woooooowzers

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